1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-11-11 20:18:05


  • YUI and Dojo are actually quite similar.


  • Conclusion 1: Wow, YUI is really slow!


  • The YUI compressor can also minify CSS.

    YUI 压缩机,也可以 minify CSS。

  • Use a pre-established keyboard pattern, like "yui" or "zxcv."


  • Yes, YUI is particularly slow compared to other libraries.


  • Yahoo claims YUI Grids is used widely within its own site.

    Yahoo声称YUI Grids在它自己的站点中得到了广泛应用。

  • You can change this by using a special class to replace yui-g.

    您可以修改它,方法是使用一个特殊的类来替换yui - g。

  • YUI-calendar and Joda time based date picker (wicket-datetime)

    基于YUI-calendar和Joda time的date picker(wicket-datetime)

  • It also provides some specific examples from Dojo and YUI, as well.


  • Conclusion 4: If performance matters, don't choose Prototype or YUI.


  • yui-gc makes one unit 66% and the other unit 33% of the available width.

    yui-gc 将两个单元分别设置为可用宽度的 66% 和 33%。

  • Ext JS began as a project to extend the functionality that the YUI Library offered.

    Ext JS项目最初的目的是扩展yui Library提供的功能。

  • The YUI calendar is very configurable, and it also supports internationalization.

    YUI 日历很容易配置,它也支持国际化。

  • If you're not currently using something, I hope I've convinced you to try Dojo or YUI.


  • Yui-b stands for "block", and there should always be two blocks in a yui Grids page.

    yui - b表示“块”,并且一个yui Grids页面中应该始终有两个块。

  • The Wicket team has provided a replacement based on the YUI (Yahoo UI) calendar control.

    Wicket团队已经提供了基于YUI (Yahoo UI)日历控件的替代品。

  • YUI Profiler allows you to register functions, class constructors, and objects to be measured.

    YUI Profiler可以注册要测量的函数、类构造函数和对象。

  • A key aspect of the YUI Library is the cross-browser support, which you'll also find in Ext JS.

    YUI Library的一个关键方面是跨浏览器支持,这也可以在Ext JS中找到。

  • After downloading YUI Compressor, extract the file to a location that will be easy to access.

    下载YUI Compressor,然后提取文件,放置到一个容易访问的位置。

  • One of the primary advantages of YUI Profiler is that it is not specific to any particular browser.

    YUI Profiler 一个主要优点是它不针对某个特定浏览器。

  • YUI provides a very rich set of controls and widgets that you can use to make your applications pop.

    YUI 提供一组丰富的控件和小部件,使用它们能使您的应用程序更流行。

  • Like Blueprint, a page built with YUI Grids must have standard components, as shown in Listing 7.

    与Blueprint相似,使用YUI Grids构建的页面必须拥有标准的组件,如清单7所示。

  • Jesus: I began with ext JS back in early 2006, when it was a set of extensions for the YUI library.


  • Use a pre-established keyboard pattern, like "yui" or "ZXCV." Just look at your keyboard to remember it.


  • YUI grids also defines a set of columnar grids that you can nest to create arbitrarily complex pages.

    YUI Grids还定义了一组列式网格,您可以通过嵌入来创建任意复杂的页面。

  • Passing the -h argument to the yuicompressor.jar file shows the basic usage information for yui compressor.

    将- h传递参数到yuicompressor . jar文件,显示yui compressor的基本用法信息。

  • One interesting exception is grid style yui-gb, which divides space equally among three embedded units.

    一个有趣的例外是网格样式 yui-gb,它可以平均划分三个 嵌入单元的空间。

  • The roughly 100 YUI Grids CSS styles are divided into three categories, which are described in Table 3.

    大约种100 YUI Grids css样式可以划分为三个类别,如表3所示。

  • YUI and Dojo each feature extensive online documentation from full-on tutorials to detailed, step-by-step examples.


  • Back then, it was known as "YUI-ext" and was developed as a side project by a little known guy named Jack Solcum.

    那时,它被称为“YUI - ext”,由一个名为Jack Solcum的家伙作为边缘项目开发。
