Same goes for the Indians, and, in fact, the Malays.
Thelineage of Melaka Sultans are Indians, not Malays.
Resentment has spread from Chinese and Indians to poor or pious Malays.
Other ethnic groups include Malays in the south, Mon, Khmer and various indigenous hill tribes.
There are some instances when Malays have to accept that to leave Malays out for the time being is necessary.
We have the Arabs with the shisha, we have the Malays who are still doing the nasi padang and the nasi goreng.
Back in the old days, all the Arabs and the Indians and the Javanese and the Boyanese and the Malays came here.
Many Filipinos and Malays who traditionally fish for a living have erected hundreds of these homes in the Celebes Sea.
Numerous peoples from south China migrated southward to become part of Siamese, Malays, Philippines, Indonesians and Papuans.
The Indigenous, mostly the Malays, always enjoy more social benefits than any other non-indigenous ethnic groups in Malaysia.
the promise to introduce strict new laws should satisfy hardliners within his own ruling United Malays National Organisation, or UMNO.
He is a mixed blood descendant of Malays and European, at the later story the identity of his real parents will reveal his true destiny.
In 1971 Malaysia's second prime minister, Abdul Razak, began a policy of racial preferences for majority Malays and other "sons of the soil".
1971年,马来西亚第二任首相Abdul Razak,对占人口大多数的马来人和其他的“土地的儿子”,开始了一项种族优先政策。
In these places, informal quota systems give preference to ethnic Malays in the faculties of sought-after subjects such as law, medicine and engineering.