How do we hear chord progressions?
Some think progressions like these are long overdue.
Just try to get the key ideas and progressions down.
The research progressions are described in this review.
Progress: Healthy projects display a sequence of progressions and digressions.
It is these musical progressions which can evoke such strong emotions in all of us.
It has been proved that the primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions.
Also, most Western pieces of music have chord progressions to which the melody conforms.
Arithmetic progressions, any one in which consists of 3 primes and 1 almost prime, are investigated.
Every large odd integer can be represeted as the sum of three primes which take from arithmetic progressions.
There are many ways to visualize data as snapshots, or sequential images showing trending and time progressions.
I did not even try to confirm these "findings" with solar arcs, progressions, transits etc. , as I had no time for it;
Some chORd progressions in Skempton's pieces seem to derive from the natural way the hands fall upon, OR move across, the keyboard.
"International Diabetes" : Are there any updated progressions in the field of the prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy?
The chordal and melodic structure is very representative of Harrison with his use of complicated progressions and twisted melodies.
这首歌的和弦与旋律结构是相当标准的哈里逊风格 - 擅长操弄复杂的乐曲进行方式及曲扭旋律。
Fake books are the easiest to start with because you don't have to know chord progressions - they are given to you on the sheet music.
We're going to focus now on some passages where we can do it, and we're going to see how Beethoven is setting up some chord progressions here.
The recognition and researches of brain in Chinese Medicine are penetrating deeply and have got some new progressions for the past few years.
MALMSTEEN: At the same time as I say I am playing rock'n'roll, the classical influence is so big. I mean, all the chord progressions are classical.
However, all of these new smartphone releases, firmware updates, and mobile OS progressions can make it difficult to decide which phone is best for you.
Most blues feature simple, usually three-chord, progressions and have simple structures that are open to endless improvisations, both lyrical and musical.
大多数布鲁斯乐的特点是简单的,通常是三和弦的和弦级进,而在词作和音乐上的简单结构则对于无穷无尽的即兴敞开了大门。 。
In this paper, we generalize Hua's five primes squares theorem, and prove that one of the primes can be taken in arithmetic progressions with large moduli.
本文给出了华罗庚五素数平方定理的算术级数形式,证明了其中一个素数可 以取在大模的算术级数中。
This performance will be focus on some acoustic composition of my own , some fingertip cover and some improvisations based on chords progressions and open tuning.
Though there are several kinds of progressions, secondary progressions, based upon the day-for-a –year formula, seem to work best for me, and is the most used among astrologers.
So the point of this is: once you get these kind of progressions locked in your ears, you go to a concert and you can begin to chart what the piece is doing in terms of its harmony.
arithmetic progression
geometric progression