A poll published on June 29th by Kyodo, a news wire, showed over two-thirds of those surveyed wanted him to step down immediately or by the end of August.
African news organisations have also done their own downsizing mainly by dispensing with their foreign desks and relying on wire services.
By eight o 'clock yesterday morning a detailed account of his thinking was running on the wire of the country's biggest news agency.
Times Wire also features a photo gallery, displaying the latest news in pictures.
Consider myself a normal person, so I have to get it through my head that any mistake I make will be blown up and put across the (news) wire.
But if newswires are thriving and newspapers are making ever more use of wire copy, why don't the wire services supply news direct to the consumer?
A special telegraphic wire was installed in Astapovo to transmit news about the state of his health, and newspapers carried reports from the Russian and foreign press.
He was a wire service reporter covering major campaigns of World War II before working in radio and then joining a pioneering TV news venture at the CBS affiliate in Washington.
GLENVIEW, Ill. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Mead Johnson Nutrition Company (NYSE: MJN - News) announced today its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2010, including.
Some 15 minutes later, at 9:13, J. P. Morgan's official press release went out on the business wire and was blasted all over computer news feeds and on CNBC.
On March 23, 1991, a news brief was released in the form of anITV News Bureau Ltd (London) wire service bulletin entitled"High-Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East."