It was a tough course over a gradual ascent before the big climb of Bluebell Hill.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》But Bluebell, wild Bluebell, only dances in the wood.
And Bluebell, wild Bluebell, was dancing in the wood.
The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair.
I have two questions stuck in my mind after seeing the Bluebell: Are they really wild?
Benson was also big business, and Bluebell Lakes was already suffering in the recession.
For years, Benson was a catch-and-release attraction in Bluebell Lakes, a private fishing complex.
The owner of Bluebell Lakes, Tony Bridgefoot, found traces of raw tiger nuts near the spot where Benson died.
It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies.
First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform.
So searching the plant list for 'Hyacinthoides non-scripta', which is the Latin name for the native bluebell, reaps 26 alternative names currently in use.
因此如果搜索'Hyacinthoides non-scripta', 即蓝铃草的拉丁学名, 可以得到现行通用的26种别称.
Devil's Snare prefers a dark, damp environment and shrinks away from fire, so a well-placed flame spell such as Bluebell Flames will drive it away from its victims.
Devil ' s Snare喜欢黑暗潮湿的地方,遇到火会退缩,因此一个施得合适的火焰咒语,比如蓝铃火焰就可以把被抓缠住的人从它的触须下救出来。
It was my first time to see a bluebell field, the moment when I first saw it I was so excited and imagine myself walking in a fairy tale, it was blue everywhere, I couldn't see where it ended.