Winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers.
Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers.
Bottlemaster 的塑料瓶塞不会泄漏、碎裂或发霉,长期以来一直为葡萄酒制造商提供价格略高于传统价的软木塞。
Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or become moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine.
These containers often have human or animal-headed stoppers.
SAN ANTONIO – The 2005 Finals have been a tale of two stoppers.
He put the stoppers on people borrowing his books without asking.
Be sure you have at least one wrap in the lines to help catch the stoppers.
This test involves tumbling fabric with will down/feathers in a containing with rubber stoppers.
Each type comes with different tips: silicone domes, triple-flange stoppers, foam cylinders and so on.
Really don't like their potential matchup with the array of Dirk-stoppers (slowers?) in Portland. Memphis?
This paper present the automatic cleaning control system for medical stoppers based with industrial computer.
This paper presents the automatic cleaning control system for medical stoppers based with industrial computer.
Meanwhile, it has an important reference value for the manufacturers to improve the quality of their stoppers.
The paper discussed the effect of test conditions on measurement result of oxidables of butyl rubber bottle stoppers.
HSA stoppers may have different construction but there are always two of them and they always present on modern HDDs.
OBJECTIVE: to discuss the necessity of clearing the pharmaceutical butyl rubber stoppers for infusion bottles before use.
These programs are known by many names, including pop-up blockers, pop-up stoppers, AD window blockers and pop-up removers.
Cork bottle stoppers make of about sixty percent of all cork products but many people are finding creative new USES for cork.
In addition to key out-field elements, goalkeepers are more versatile and with abilities matching those of modern shot-stoppers.
HSA stoppers limit HSA movements, so heads wouldn't bang on the platters clamp and on the other side they wouldn't just fly off the platters.
ABSTRACT: What do you get the wine lover who has everything? Cork screws, bottle stoppers and wine glasses, while essential, are hardly original.
摘要: 给葡萄酒爱好者送什么小礼物好?酒刀?瓶塞?酒杯?这些都太普通了,来看看本文介绍的这些令人惊喜的小玩意。
The better the controls are for correctly set stoppers and demonstration of integrity, the lower the dependence is for the monitoring of the capping environment.
Found in the tomb of tutankhamun an alabaster container with finely carved stoppers carried the pharaoh's internal organs preserved with natron into the afterlife.
Youth team stoppers James Shea and Sean McDermott have also recently signed new contracts, but they are not seen as feasible options for the first-team at present.
The improvement was (conducted) as: changing the stoppers, optimizing operating logistic control program, increasing the traveling speed of the spreading conveyor, and etc.
Table, chairs , bed, doors, bed castors, locks & keys, window rubber lining, curtain rods, curtain pelmet, door stoppers, frames, hinges & closer, glass top & window frames.
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