Does South Africa really need any more fast-food joints?
But memories and ghosts of the Civil War still lived here, as real as the supermarkets and fast-food joints.
We are bombarded by advertisers and inundated with fast food joints.
'I chose McDonald's because it was nearest to my house, but the project could have been about any other of the myriad of fast food joints in New York.
When panic sets it, just drain the grease tanks of a few abandoned fast food joints, hunker down and make your fuel.
Unlike most cheap fast food joints, there aren't any burgers or fries — instead, kids can eat barbecue chicken salad, cajun blackened fish, and turkey-quinoa meatballs.
In the last few years, food delivery options in China have largely been limited to western fast food joints, such as McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
So we turned to the nutrition experts who created the menus for our favorite fast food joints to find out what healthy meals they order when they eat on the job.
Sharfstein's reign as Baltimore health czar has taken him into the food arena, shutting down Tony restaurants and fast food joints.