Evidence for life must all be deduced from remote sensing.
Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing is an especially exciting advance.
Field teams carry out all fieldwork, and national experts interpret remote sensing imagery.
Meanwhile Remote Sensing Systems has shown that March 2011 was the coolest March since 1994.
Malaria early warning systems using remote sensing of climatic conditions are increasingly being used.
We have many of the basic tools required to harness remote sensing for monitoring and mitigating drought.
Ellrod, G. (2005). Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash. National Weather Association. Retrieved May 24, 2010.
埃尔罗德。G .,(2005年),火山灰之遥测,美国国家气象协会,2010年5月24日检索。
The response of vegetation to increased levels of rainfall can be easily measured and monitored by Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery.
Outer space systems play a vital role in many important areas such as telecommunications, navigation, meteorology and remote sensing.
As part of the FRA 2010, FAO, its member countries and partner organizations will undertake a global remote sensing survey of forests.
作为FRA 2010的一部分,粮农组织及其成员国和伙伴组织将开展全球性森林遥感调查。
He said Moscow and Havana are working on a space cooperation agreement and have considered ways of jointly using earth remote sensing satellites.