That evening, Bill and Hillary were getting ready for bed. Hillary turned to Bill and said, "Well, I found out who peed in your saxophone."
There was an astronaut who peed in his spacesuit before liftoff-- a seemingly inauspicious start to what became the first American manned spaceflight.
I just peed in their soup!
You peed on yourself?
He peed on you?
But you will always be the guy who peed on me.
He then said to me, but I just peed in that water.
Maybe all this started when I peed on the Blarney stone.
My previous habit was drinking coffee after I peed in the morning.
The Very First Time each girl peed in the potty, I took her out of diapers.
Yes. Maybe it's a false positive. Are you sure you peed on the stick right?
对,或许是假警报 你确定你尿在验孕棒的方式没错?
The trees like the longings of the earth standa-tiptoe to peed at the heaven.
The small dog peed over ten times in an hour, is it natural to have such frequency?
Qiu Qiu the dog peed on my speech, about an hour before I was supposed to deliver it.
Because of the bounce and his excitement, he peed a little bit, straight into my eye.
RC01 automatically records the working peed and the grinding pressure of the grinding units.
RC 01自动记录打磨单元的工作速度和打磨压力。
If you're the user interface specialist Donald Norman, I suppose you'd say the fly affords being peed on.
即使你是用户界面的专家Donald Norman,我想你也会毫不客气地说“这只苍蝇活该被淹死”。
The kids found them, played with them, wore them as hats, sat their dollies on them - and finally peed in them.
Ross : And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword.
There is low speed area near the axle, its radial s peed field is small but still exists beyond the blade radius.
Women in the survey were half as likely as men to have peed in a bush and five times less likely to have peed on a residential street.
When I went to lavatory in airport in Germany years ago, I found out a fly in the urinal. I unconsiously peed on it but it stayed immobile.