Here's where you use the conn variable defined earlier.
Place specified products as 4 in partition, one CONN. each cell.
Using a voltmeter measure fused ign sw output ckt at the red conn.
AIG's financial products division is headquartered in Wilton, Conn.
They were the Google guys or the art-buying hedge-fund managers in Greenwich, Conn.
That way, you can import all the classes you define and use the conn object you've built.
“Hell, there ain't nothing out there to hunt, ” explains Charles Conn, a ranch worker.
“一派胡言! 那里根本没有什么可以打猎,”查尔斯•孔恩,一位农场工人说。
The JT8D-219 engine is assembled and tested in Pratt & Whitney’s Middletown, Conn., facility.
Mrs. Lieberbaum, who lives in Westport, Conn., with her husband, Michael, declined to comment.
Westport, Conn., this month became the latest of a handful of communities to ban some plastic bags.
Horace Mann in New York City (No. 2) has a nature laboratory comprising 100 acres in Washington, Conn.
纽约的Horace Mann(排名第2)在康涅狄格州的华盛顿拥有一个占地100英亩的自然实验室。
This historic Hartlands castle, situated on the waterfront in Saybrook, Conn., is on the market for $4, 632, 000.
The three-year-old Ion Torrent, based in Guilford, Conn., is the fifth company started or bankrolled by Dr. Rothberg.
An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn., sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.
End-of-day activity was light compared to recent sessions, said Nick Kaupp, a trader with Source Trading in Stamford, Conn.
Source Trading的交易员尼克•考普(Nick Kaupp)说,与最近几个交易日相比,周一尾盘的活跃程度是比较轻的。
NEWTOWN, Conn. - Forecast International expects the U.S. Navy to purchase approximately 220 UYQ-70 systems from 2007 to 2010.
[据国际预测公司2007年7月31日报道] 国际预测公司预计,2007年至2010年,美国海军购买大约220套UYQ-70系统。
Sally and Neil MacDonald, of Sandy Hook, Conn., were flying from with their three children to Arkansas for a big family reunion.
田纳西州桑迪·候克(Sandy Hook)的迈克唐纳德·萨利和奈尔夫妇带着三个孩子飞往阿肯色州和一大家人团圆。
“Human reproduction is surprisingly inefficient and quite complex, ” said Dr. Alicia Stanton, an OB-GYN based in Glastonbury, Conn.
“人类生殖令人惊讶的低效并且十分复杂,” Alicia Stanton医生说,美国康涅狄格州格拉斯顿伯里的一位妇产科医师。
The company's actions "can only be described as reprehensible and criminal," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who oversees FDA funding.
这个公司的行为“只能用必须谴责和犯罪来形容,”视察食物和药品管理局基金的共和党人罗萨·戴劳罗rep . Rosa DeLauro D - Conn .说。
In all, her experience taught her 'how resourceful I could be, ' says Ms. Silverberg of Hartford, Conn. , who is now a yoga instructor.
A Little League park in Mansfield, Conn., may have a better game plan - a transparent receptacle with a recycling symbol stamped on the outside.
He dropped out of school and shacked up with a pair of hard-drinking buddies in Milford, Conn., a beach town about 10 miles outside of New Haven.
NEWTOWN, Conn. - The U.S. Air Force awarded BAE Systems Information and Electronics Division of Yonkers, N.Y., a $28 million contract (F09603-03-D-0268).
Amy Chua lives in New Haven, Conn., in an imposing mock-Tudor mansion - complete with gargoyles - that was built in the 1920s for a vaudeville impresario.
Though he and his wife divorced in 1983, and they lived apart, she in Saybrook Point in Old Saybrook, Conn., they remained a couple, their daughters said.
尽管他和他的妻子在1983年离婚并且分居,她住在康涅狄格州Old Saybrook Saybrook Point(地名,译者未找到合适的翻译)。 但他们的女儿说他们仍然是一对夫妻。