A Latina on the Supreme Court's great.
Latina encircle the tree, the door parked fishing boat.
She is 19 or younger and Latina, and has had her first baby.
Maybe your first hint was the Latina models on magazine covers.
A young Latina girl as the center of a network television show?
Last summer he appointed Sonia Sotomayor, the court's first Latina judge.
The amazing thing about this Latina plumper teen is that she is just starting to fill out.
Smiling, she would answer, "A la hora Latina, of course." This meant that she would be late.
The show has opened doors for Ferrera—doors that were closed to Latina actresses in the past.
Ademas de Espana, se habla en casi todas las naciones de America Latina yen algunas de Africa.
The city's AIDS infection rate of less than 1% of both groups are white women and Latina women.
She may not want to be called Latina, but she should proudly credit those genes for her famous figure.
How have you dealt with the challenges of being a Latina in Hollywood? -guilherme Lima, Rio DE janeiro?
However, Jessica Alba, who is clearly Mexican and white, claims that she is a latina, not latina and white.
好吧,Jessica Alba很明显有墨西哥人以及白人血统,她就说自己是拉丁裔,不是即使拉丁裔又是白人。
Republican attacks on her can easily be portrayed as white guys in suits trying to keep a qualified Latina down.
Verdict: Real or Fake? She may not want to be called Latina, but she should proudly credit those genes for her famous figure.
And I could have refused it at the gate, where a spirited Latina teenager shoved it into my hands as I pushed through the turnstile.
Last year, in a special election, a Latina stood against two African-American candidates. If the black vote had split, she might have won.
Above all, the large extended families and networks of godparents, which provide crucial support to young Latina mothers, seem to be weakening.
Even before this incident, Mr. Brown’s core fans didn’t like Rihanna, said Ms. Valdés Ryan, now editor in chief of Latina, a magazine for young women.
范德雷女士现在担任Latina的主编,该杂志主要针对年轻的女性读者。 她说,早在此事发生之前,克里斯的铁杆粉丝们就不喜欢蕾哈娜。
Last year, the group suggested that doctors expand their list of persons to watch for osteoporosis. The additions included Latina, African American, Asian and other women.
She brags to her girls that you’re a “radical” and a real Dominican (even though on the Plátano Index you wouldn’t rank, Alma being only the third Latina you’ve ever really dated).
ABC is an asset-building program primarily focused on building the wealth of low-income Latina women and youth, as both groups are impacted disproportionately by poverty and barriers to success.