Append concatenates two lists.
Adds two Numbers or concatenates two strings.
This code concatenates 5,000 35-character strings.
He concatenates strings with SQL syntax and appends his own data.
Concatenates the invocation lists of an array of delegates.
UNION ALL is a keyword that concatenates all the Select statements.
UNION ALL 是将所有选择语句连接起来的关键字。
Concatenates the invocation lists of the specified multicast (combinable) delegates.
The second concatenates all of the elements into a sentence, with "and" between each one.
第二行代码将所有元素串接成一个句子,并用“ and ”加以分隔。
It gives it an href attribute that concatenates the string mailto: with the email address.
Adds two Numbers or concatenates two strings, and assigns the result to the first argument.
Concatenates the members of a collection, using the specified separator between each member.
Concatenates all the elements of a string array, using the specified separator between each element.
Concatenates the specified elements of a string array, using the specified separator between each element.
When the CLP encounters the line continuation character, it reads the next line and concatenates both lines.
You can check how the join concatenates the values by looking at the example at the bottom of the Details TAB.
The combo handler takes a request whose query string contains filenames and concatenates the files into a single response.
combo handler将请求的查询字符串包含到一个单一的响应的文件名和连接文件。
It also works with multiple filenames; it concatenates the filenames that you might list as one continuous output to your screen.
Depending on how you configure it, Build array concatenates, or combines, two arrays into one, or adds extra elements to an array.
For rich text documents, create a view action button that performs the lookup and concatenates the responses into a single message.
This method (shown in Listing 8) takes two byte arrays, concatenates the second array after the first, and returns the concatenated array.
这个方法(见清单 8)取两个字节数组,将第二个数组串接到第一个之后,并返回串接的数组。
Concatenates the elements of a specified array or the members of a collection, using the specified separator between each element or member.
This can occur if an application prompts users for information and then concatenates the user's input into a string representing the SQL statement.
It then iterates through all of the instances of element called Initial and concatenates them into a CHARACTER variable, which is returned to the map.
Also because of the death writing these girls, their and these girl concatenates a little bit, not being only upper correlation of event, still have upper correlation of mentality.
Add a computed column to the work items data set named "STATE ID" that concatenates the project area name with the STATE_NAME column (see Listing 6). The value for this column might look like this.
向名为“STATE ID”的工作项数据集添加一个计算的列,它将下面区域名字与state_name列联系起来(参见代码清单6)。