1 词典释义:
fit thing in
时间: 2024-12-26 12:58:25
英 [fɪt θɪŋ ɪn]
美 [fɪt θɪŋ ɪn]

vphr. 安排时间做某事;挤出时间做某事;把某事纳入日程

  • If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.


  • The thing to understand about the Muslim community in comparison to other communities is that we don't have students that fit one specific background.


  • The mission should answer some lingering questions about just what is this Pluto thing anyway and how does it fit in the solar system’s family album?


  • Yes, as a concept it is a good thing - and, depending on how your enterprise is organized it may only fit in some pockets but not necessarily all.


  • The last thing listed here is very important - the behaviour pattern must be interfering with the person's ability to get on with his life, to learn or to fit in with his or her world.


  • The only surprising thing was that Italy’s bishops had seen fit to keep him on in such a high-profile and vulnerable position for five full years after his conviction.


  • "The essential thing in a building . . . is that it be strongly built, and fit for its uses" (John Ruskin).

    “最必需的事是一幢房子…建筑牢固而且适于使用的房子” (约翰·拉斯金)。

  • The great thing about any level of football is taking part in matches and keeping fit.


  • It is an important thing for landscape designer to make the leisure space fit the bill and high quality in limited parks.


  • If so, is this a positive thing, or are these people who don't really fit in very smoothly in any environment?


  • The one thing I miss from the days we wore our hair in crew cuts is that I was so fit, full of boundless energy, enjoying dreamless sleep, always ready for anything.


  • "I wonder if they will fit me, " she said to Toto. "They would be just the thing to take a long walk in, for they could not wear out.


  • The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard, you can always fit in some thing more.


  • And the third thing which is the biggest reason actually why the papers are rejected from journals is that the paper doesn't fit the journal's priorities in terms of what is looking for to publish.


  • Stop over-scheduling. We often try to fit in "just one more thing" before moving on to our next commitment. We end up running late, frazzled, overwhelmed, and distracted.


  • Jamess Garfield, 1881: "Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using."

