In the emerging currency universe the lowest interest rate currencies are the TWD, CNY and COP.
Teams with superior presentation in IDEERS conference. Award: 3,000 TWD for each team and a certificate for each team member.
The existence of the TWD groups of ne and near EW fault groups plays a very important role in the formation of this earthquake belt.
The team collects the most votes of prediction for efficiency ratio winner. Award: 3,000 TWD for each team and a certificate for each team member.
最具冠军相奖 :经由参与活动的队员与裁判在振动台测试前投票所评选出之最具冠军相的队伍,取一队颁发新台币3,000元及每位队员个人奖状。
Teams which make best exhibits to display their design ideas clearly in creative ways Award: 3,000 TWD for each team and a certificate for each team member.