The process can now be reformulated with more detail as follows.
The formulated empirical equations are waiting to be reformulated.
In Listing 14 you can find first the original query followed be a reformulated one.
The new model is composed of difference dynamic system and semi-smooth equations reformulated by NCP.
Elmwood has redesigned the packaging for children's soft drink Sunny d, to reflect the reformulated drink.
The KKT system of the OPF is reformulated equivalently to a system of nonsmooth bounded constrained equations.
建立了与OPF 问题的KKT 系统等价的带界约束的半光滑方程系统。
Our industry has reformulated thousands of products to reduce sodium content and meet consumer taste preferences.
In fact, these design and implementation strategies can be distilled and reformulated into re-usable application frameworks.
In this paper, beginning with the translational gauge theory, the teleparallel gravity is reformulated in the Lagrangian formulation.
On theoretical aspect, we knew that the minimax problem and the multilevel programming problems can be reformulated into MPEC problems.
A set theoretic model is developd in which the reformulated maxims operate in the priority order of relation, quality, quantity and form.
Adam is the first automated system to complete the cycle from hypothesis, to experiment, to reformulated hypothesis without human intervention.
One has only to note how in the last half-century the movements for women's rights and civil rights have reformulated and renewed American history.
The influence of implementing reformulated gasoline on catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming is emphasized and some countermeasures are proposed.
In chapter 2, the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem (GNCP) defined on a polyhedral cone is reformulated as a system of nonlinear equations.
In this paper, the problem of large axisymmetric deformation of hyperelastic membrane is reformulated on the basis of the general theory of finite elasticity.
Many important problems of system and control theory can be reformulated as linear matrix inequality convex optimization problems, which is numerically tractable.
Secondly, multi-objective optimization problem is reformulated into a nonlinear single-objective programming problem by means of fuzzy satisfaction-maximizing method.
On the mapping path composed of connecting schema mappings, queries are reformulated and forwarded for multiple times to achieve data sharing among multiple data sources.
It is also aimed at pushing a mass-market product -- in this case, a reformulated Lux shampoo with what Unilever calls 'fiberactive technology' meant to heighten hair's shimmer.
Methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE)is widely used as reformulated gasoline oxygenate. It is so much used that the amount of MTBE discharged into the environment is increasing continuously.
目前甲基叔丁基醚( MTBE)被广泛用作汽油添加剂,通过各种排放途径进入环境的数量不断增加。
That is how we reformulated it. That means we take our curve and we figure out at each point how big the tangent component I guess I should probably take the same vector field as before.
Responding to laws that went into effect in 17 states in July, the nation's detergent makers reformulated their products to reduce what had been the crucial ingredient, phosphates, to just a trace.
'We're used to flu vaccines being reformulated every year because new strains come along,' said Dr Chris Scanlan of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, who led the research.
“因为我们每年都会因为有新的毒株出现而开发新的流感疫苗”,牛津大学生物化学系chris Scanlan博士说道,他领导了这项研究。