First, children are now praised to an unprecedented degree.
Through outsourcing, TheraSense maintained an unprecedented degree of flexibility.
The second defining feature is that children are honed to an unprecedented degree.
It has left an unprecedented degree of unemployed workers and underused factories in its wake.
The modern society and took seriously regarding education for children attention to achieve the unprecedented degree.
This would rope intermediaries into law enforcement to an unprecedented degree, and give rights-holders exceptional power.
Today we live in a globalised world with an unprecedented degree of interdependences among countries and the convergence of their interests.
Regard new course as a symbol, a new round of course reformation in our country is pushing forward strongly with the unprecedented degree and scope.
The goal is to provide responders with an unprecedented degree of customization to ensure they receive exactly the kind of alerts that they can respond to.
You can accomplish almost anything by typing things out, and command-line tools will often provide an unprecedented degree of control over how they can be run.
Most of us probably think of some radical, all-encompassing change in a positive direction. We might think of elevating the quality of our whole life to an unprecedented degree.
But what was perhaps most impressive were the epic battle scenes, which broke new ground in special effects by showing huge Numbers of characters with an unprecedented degree of detail and realism.
The degree of climate change occurring now is unprecedented in the last 2, 500 years.
Less than one degree Celsius of warming since the pre-industrial age has unleashed frightening and unforeseen change, including glacier-melt and unprecedented coral-reef degradation.
It first atmosphere and lively, spirits up the pieces of the China national symphony fondness degree is absolutely unprecedented in the history of the works.
Narrow in its place, it is unprecedented that the degree of difficulty of construction technology is great. The deep foundation pit is a highly difficult geotechnical engineering subject.
Entry the WTO along with China, the competition of the Chinese insurance market comes to the unprecedented and vigorous degree.