The specimen will be safely transferred into a biohazard bag.
Appropriate PPE should be worn in this preparation and the linen should be put into biohazard bags.
Special short grey biohazard incineration bins will be used for instruments, supplies, garbage and linens.
They can be collected anywhere by people with no medical training, and there are no associated biohazard risks.
The essay introduces a new technology of detecting biohazard of pulping effluent-Micronuces Test Technique in Vicia Faba.
前言: 介绍一种新兴的适用于制浆造纸废水的生物危害性监测的技术-蚕豆根尖微核检测技术。
Kobe residents rushed to hospitals, where doctors in biohazard suits checked people for fever in tents set up in parking lots, Agence France-Presse reported.
Ledin insists that his students mean no harm, and can't cause any because they work in the computer equivalent of biohazard suits: closed networks from which viruses can't escape.