People who take part in hunting think of as a sport; they wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behavior.
What we think of as the golden age of Greece was virtually at an end during the lifetime of Aristotle.
It supports what we might almost think of as conventional wisdom.
The nation that we now think of as one of the most technologically advanced entered the 19th century having "abandoned the wheel".
Some things you might think of as expenses of a business, like buying servers, are actually posted to the Balance Sheet.
Opera Lyrica or lyric opera refers to what we think of as opera, the musical drama.
Opera Lyrica 或者抒情歌剧,指的就是我们常看作歌剧的音乐剧。
He liked to show small underwater creatures, displaying what seemed like familiar human characteristics—what we think of as unique to humans.
The readings you should think of as complementary to my lectures.
These all can have neurological consequences that correspond to what we think of as addiction.
Though nothing in the animal kingdom is using what we think of as language, gestures used by bonobos and orang-utans come close.
In OO systems, though, even objects that you think of as passive have responsibilities and operations defined on them.
This is the stage for a service available for use and what we typically think of as a service.
The parameter for each operation that the wizard creates is actually a business graph (hence the BG suffix) which you can think of as an enhanced business object.
向导为每个操作创建的参数实际上是一个业务图形(因此后缀为 BG),您可以将其视为增强的业务对象。
As an aspiring minimalist, I love to get rid of anything I think of as' extra '.
Natural selection is what we normally think of as Darwin’s big idea.
What we think of as cancer is not really one disease but a large number of related diseases.
What we think of as "free will" is actually found in the subconscious.
The sort of thing that perhaps we might call or think of as abstract objects or abstract properties.
Or what I'll forever think of as chocolate ugly cake.
We've looked at Milton's earliest poem, or what Milton wants us to think of as his earliest poem, from a couple of different perspectives.
I've also taken a few photos on my journeys that I think of as artistic and those seem equally well received.
Because there are those who have doubt about letting go of what you think of as the Third Dimension, or reality.
So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they’re a perfect match.
Now for the first time in what I've grown to think of as my "posthumous life" -my life after ray-i am feeling almost hopeful, happy.
What many think of as love is really just a form of selfishness — not pure love.
许多人认为爱只是一个自私的形式- - -而不是纯洁的爱。
In a sense, it's an ideal, it's an ideal of satisfied love we might even think of as married love.
Make quick lists of someactions you think of as uncontroversially morally good ones and morally badones and ask a friend to do the same.
Pathfinder contained an "information bus", which you can think of as a Shared memory area used for passing information between different components of the spacecraft.
Listing 2 illustrates an XML file that you can think of as an instantiation of the XSD document from Listing 1.