Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren't comparable fabrics that can just replace what you're doing and shat your customers are used to.
I nearly shat my pants on the tube this morning.
Your products are almost exactly shat we're looking for.
The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization.
Would you please tell me shat I should do to have funds transferred to me here from New York?
The dog had eaten my friend's favourite leather coat and shat on the floor; but she said she didn't really mind.
这只狗啃了朋友最喜欢的皮衣,还在地板上拉屎,doudoune moncler,但她说自己并不真的介意。
The principal, ultraharmonic and subharmonic resonance of an elastic rotation shat with twin sides by a harmonic force is discussed, in this paper.
The mechanism of the shat-blast enhancing technology and its eldest on improving resisfemle to fatigue and stress corrosion fracture are describe briefly in this paper.
The loss rate of dry weight of Pterocarya insignis and Cercidiphyllum japonicum was 77% and 71%, and shat of Fagus engleriana and Cyclobalanopsis multinervis was 43% and 42%.
华西枫杨、连香树树叶干重损失达77%、71%; 而米心水青冈和多脉青冈树叶干重损失为43%和42 %。
The performance index shows shat obsolute AZS materials can increase the thermal shock performance of the bricks, and have good erosion-resisting and erosion-flushing characteristics on h.