Humpbacks don't need to die for science.
Only male humpbacks sing, and each group of whales sings its own tune.
She describes how humpbacks build "nets" of bubbles to catch fish—a form of communal tool use;
Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 Hertz, while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies.
Several genetically different groups of humpbacks, separate populations with little interchange among them, live in the South Pacific.
McCollough scoured the catalogue and developed an expertise for identifying humpbacks based on their distinct shape, color and markings.
Unlike orca, which are odontocetes or toothed whales, humpbacks are mysticetes, harmless leviathans with only baleen plates in their mouths.
Last year, the same ship was discovered to have a dead fin whale - which, like humpbacks, are classified as endangered - pinned to its bow when it returned to Vancouver.
The whales were counted during a special 3-year project, known as Structure of Populations, Levels of Abundance and Status of Humpbacks (SPLASH), which was launched in 2004.
Normally, female humpbacks don't wander as far as males. She also crossed through several different breeding grounds. Humpbacks usually only travel to neighboring breeding areas.
Feeding grounds for the humpbacks are usually farther offshore, but scientists said this year weather conditions have brought anchovies closer to land, and the whales have followed.
Doubtless open-mouthed themselves, Pitman and Durban - along with a film crew from the BBC Natural History unit - watched as one seal, swept into the water by the orca, swam towards the humpbacks.