Apple's iAd: What Developers think.
Conclusion IAD exists in some seniors in high school.
Developers can, however, use other networks even while using iAd.
Conclusion: IAD sufferers present emotion and personality problems.
Apple will allow external developers to pocket 60% of AD revenue from iAd.
苹果将让外部开发者拿走iAd 60%的广告收入。
To provide reference for the prevention, intervention and treatment of IAD.
Physical exercise is an effective method in treating the inclination and the mild IAD.
Talking about iAd, expanded beyond US to Europe and Japan and provided iAd producer to marketers.
We've heard about "Internet Addiction Disorder"or IAD for some time, but it's a controversial subject.
我们听说过 “网络成瘾症\n”
We've heard about "Internet Addiction Disorder" or IAD for some time, but it's a controversial subject.
The IAD rate was related to parent's culture background, harmonic relation between parents and pocket money(P<0.01).
Objective: To study the Internet addiction disorder (IAD) on campus and the behavioral characters of addicted students.
To summarize the present researches about therapeutics of Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) by literature analysis method.
And with its new platform for mobile advertising, called iAd, Apple has started to make money from all the data it collects.
The present study explored the relationships between interpersonal communication in cyberspace and internet addiction disorder(IAD).
USBD extends IaD to give it the rigor of UML, and to allow for tracing the outcomes of user modeling to the business and the system models.
USBD 扩展了 IaD,使其拥有了 UML 的严谨,同时也考虑到了追踪对业务和系统模型进行的用户建模的结果。
In the IAD-group, male addicts are more inclined to on-line game and on-line forum, while the females prefer to chat and make friends.
This paper thoroughly analyzed the current situation, generating reasons, harms of IAD, and put forward some countermeasures of universities.
And that would give an edge to Apple's new advertising platform iAd, which will have access to much more information from Apple devices. The f.
Integrated access Device (IAD) describes a highly flexible and cost-effective solution for access to the wide area communications infrastructure.
The problem of youngsters, Internet Addictive Disorder, is becoming serious, while in the academia there isn't any consistent standard about IAD.
But it's interesting that the sample advertisements release for iAd were the same big-brand advertising that we've grown used to seeing on social websites.
A very successful methodology used to model the actual or potential users of a product, or suite of products, is Interaction Design (IaD) — see Resources, [4].
一个非常成功的用于对实际或潜在的产品,或一套产品的用户建模的方法是交互设计(Interaction Design, IaD)—参见参考资料,[4]。
Magnetic Resonance Scans of teens afflicted with Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) revealed less healthy neuron fibers in the white matter of their brains.
Objective To investigate on - line behavior of college students and study the influence of internet addiction disorder (IAD) on intelligence quotient (IQ).