Specify a key passphrase.
指定一个密钥 passphrase。
Specify a passphrase.
The system prompts you for a passphrase.
Specify the passphrase when prompted.
If you enter your passphrase correctly and click ok.
During the build process it will ask for GPG passphrase.
The passphrase to unlock the password file is unlock.
Entering the passphrase for the private key "unlocks" it.
During the build process, it will ask for your GPG passphrase.
The passphrase you provide is used to retrieve the certificate.
Rather, you enter the passphrase that you set in the first step.
Normally, and as mentioned, secret keys are protected by a passphrase.
You do not need to enter the passphrase again until you logout and login again.
This passphrase will be used to encrypt the private-key file on the client side.
Optionally, you can enter a passphrase for increased security, but it isn't required.
As the page begins to load, you should see a gpg-agent pop-up requesting your passphrase.
页面装载开始时,您会看到将弹出一个gpg - agent,请求您的passphrase。
Passphrase (optional) : the passphrase is used to authenticate with the private key file.
Passphrase (optional):用来认证私有密钥文件的护照。
The first time you log back in to each machine, keychain will prompt you for the passphrase.
If you don't supply a passphrase, then ssh-keygen will generate keys which are not encrypted!
如果您不提供密码短语,那么ssh - keygen会生成一个未加密的密钥。
Substitute your own values for user ID (u@abc.com), password (secret), and passphrase (unlock).
用您自己设定的值替代用户 ID(u@abc.com)、密码(secret)和口令(unlock)。
Finally, test the ssh-agent with SSH command syntax. Note that now there's no passphrase prompt.
最后,使用ssh命令语法测试ssh - agent。
Pageant prompts you, after you login, for your SSH passphrase; then it saves the unlocked key for you.
If you try to use SSH localhost and a passphrase is requested, you'll need to perform the following steps.
如果打算使用ssh localhost并请求密码,就需要执行以下步骤。
An added feature of PGP is that the password for the private key isn't really a password; it's a passphrase.
Even ssh-keygen command will accept the empty passphrase, in which case, private-key file will not be encrypted.
尽管ssh - keygen命令可以接受空的密码,但是在这种情况下私有密钥文件不加密。
The ability to script password and passphrase entry and to control multiple connections concurrently are powerful.
To do so, we must use a program called ssh-add, which adds (sends) our passphrase to the running ssh-agent program.
为此,必须使用程序ssh - add将密码短语添加(发送)至运行中的ssh - agent程序。
Access the supplied URL using Internet Explorer; supply your passphrase (refer to step 3 above), and click Retrieve.
使用Internet Explorer访问提供的url;提供您的通行码(请参见上面的第3步),然后单击Retrieve。
An interesting feature of ssh-keygen is that it will allow you to simply press enter when prompted for a passphrase.
ssh - keygen的一个有趣特性是,您可以在提示输入密码短语时直接按回车键。
This particular instance doesn't use a passphrase because it would need to be manually entered on each form submission.