A database administrator can further investigate these transactions to isolate the problem using of the domain expert capabilities that OPM EE offers.
数据库管理员可以使用 OPM EE 提供的域专家功能进一步研究这些事务以隔离问题。
This is a batch file that OPM will invoke.
<OPM EI install dir>\configuration\cfgtool.bat
Windows: \configuration\cfgtool.bat
OPM: Is it true Dante can use a Guitar in DMC3?
Currently OPM averages 138 days to process retirement claims [2].
All capabilities of the OPM EE interface are available from the TEP.
可以从TEP使用OPM ee界面的所有功能。
We researched the acoustooptic tunable OPM with the filter of AOTF theoretically and experimentally.
'Now is the time we must recruit and hire the best,' OPM Director John Berry said at a conference in July.
OPM总监贝瑞(John Berry) 7月份在一次会议上说,我们必须招募和招聘最优秀人才的时候到了。
In this case, you are still in TEP, but you are investigating a potential database issue within OPM EE.
在这里,您仍然在TEP中,但是在OPM EE中研究潜在的数据库问题。
Establish close communication and collaboration with the OPM Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and external data providers.
As pictured in Figure 1, the current retirement process has the data providers sending paper data to the OPM adjudicators.
These adjudicators are the true OPM SMEs in that they have a deep understanding of the data and the retirement process.
OPM(Optical Performance Monitor) can measure the performance of the light in different wave length in the optical-fibre.
Each year, the Justice department deploys hundreds of federal observers from OPM, as well as departmental staff, to monitor elections across the country.
At this point, a database administrator can further investigate these transactions to isolate the problem using of the domain expert capabilities that OPM EE offers.
此时,数据库管理员可以使用OPM EE提供的领域专家功能从这里开始进一步研究这些事务以隔离问题。
Below is an article I wrote on the amendments to the OPM Pack Guide, although the Chinese, but there are many pictures, conscientiously study and perhaps help to you.
OPM is also assessing whether hiring authorities and practices need to change, says Maureen Higgins, OPM's assistant director for agency support and technology assistance.
With OPM EE 4.1, you can use the Extended Insight capability to get detailed information about applications using static SQL, including package, section, and collection information.
可以使用OPM EE 4.1中的Extended Insight功能获取使用静态SQL的应用程序的详细信息,包括包、节和集合信息。
Furthermore, Tivoli monitoring provides deeper, more extensive operating system, network, and storage information that you can access from within the system dashboard of OPM ee.
另外,Tivoli监视产品提供更深入、更丰富的操作系统、网络和存储信息,可以在OPM EE的system指示板中访问这些信息。
Moses Tabuni, a spokesman for the KNPB, explains that the guerrillas of the Free Papua Movement (OPM)—“the fighters in the forests”—have been fighting the Indonesians since the 1960s.
摩西•塔布尼(Moses Tabuni)是KNPB的一个发言人,他解释说,自由巴布亚运动(OPM)的游击队员们(丛林战士)自上世纪60年代以来一直在与印尼人战斗。
Another important enhancement in the Extended Insight capability in OPM EE 4.1 is support for static applications. IBM has touted the benefits of static SQL for a long time, including.
OPM EE 4.1中对Extended Insight功能的另一个重要改进是支持静态应用程序。
To fit the demands for the system application and development, researching and producing opm (In-line optical performance monitor) becomes a hot-spot in many device-supply corporations recently.
The novel acoustooptic tunable OPM was researched experimentally, include the single channel and the multiple channels were monitored, and the experiment result tally with the theory analysis well.
We made the acoustic-optical tunable optical performance monitor (OPM) with the filter of acoustooptic tunable filter (AOTF) successfully by using the integrated optical technique for the first time.