The key is to meld the old with the new.
He attempts to meld the other two steel plants into his.
Methods Literatures of MELD applied in LT were analyzed retrospectively.
In some ways, this was an attempt to meld the French and Italian styles.
Chill in the refrigerator for the flavour to meld for one hour before serving.
You can then wrap just about any class with it to meld in the logging capability.
Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun.
All common interests we're both passionate about. It was a bit like a Vulcan mind meld.
We tried to meld that with the organic element of nature with the trees and the rocks.
Combined with MELD, SOFT can better quantify survival benefit for individual transplant procedures.
Meanwhile, those that have bought investment banks are not all finding it easy to meld the cultures.
Once all the elements have been created it's time to meld them all together into one complete animation.
The scores of MELD in the chronic severe hepatitis are correlated to the patient's condition and prognosis.
We tried to work together, but we couldn't figure out how to meld my jazz guitar with her experimental music.
Phil Jackson is the Zen Master. He's able to meld any piece into the wild mix of personalities on the Lakers bench.
He photographed these praying mantises dozens of times and then used a computer to meld those views into a single image.
The processing software (Windows only; Macs need not apply) will then meld the two images into one frame that can be printed.
In the future, you're going to have to meld medical, scientific, and information technologies to create medical advancements.
Hepatology Digest: What factors are important when you transplant a high DRI (Donor Risk Index) liver to a person with a high MELD?
Steve Baty, principal and user experience strategist at Meld Consulting, combats the fallacy that UX design adds too much time to a project.
Steve Baty,Meld 资讯公司的主管,正在和用户体验设计占用了项目太多时间的这种谬论进行战斗。
Peru does not currently have a MELD allocation system because of the small number of donor livers used and transplants performed overall.
Children, though, are at an advantage with the MELD system, as their score is multiplied by 3, thereby moving them up on the waiting list.
This analysis represents a study of waitlisted candidates and transplant recipients of liver allografts after the MELD score was implemented.
Ultimately the palindromic arch-speculator, lured by another chance to meld philosophy and finance, may be trying too hard to make reflexivity work.
Recently, physicists trying to meld gravity and quantum theory, and so explain the nature of space and time, have begun to revisit this old question.
In this case, the opponent can lay off the jack and six of hearts onto the knocker's heart meld, to reduce his count from 22 points to only 6 points!
The landscape looks forsaken, with hills, sky and forest forming a single Gray meld, like the wash an artist paints on a canvas before the masterwork.