Another prominent feature of Mars's surface is cratering.
As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.
The surface of Mars shows a wide range of geologic features, including huge volcanoes—the largest known in the solar system—and extensive impact cratering.
As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering (i.e. craters too big to have been filled in by erosion since they were formed) serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.
"That's a problem," comments cratering specialist h.
Cratering will generally result from an underground burst, just as for a surface burst.
Failure: Pitting, cratering, or erosion of the surface. Obvious and significant deterioration.
In addition, cratering and ground shock phenomena are observed, as will be described in Chapter VI.
The simulative experiments of cratering effects were designed in concrete, and approved by the real warhead experiments.
His main scientific interest is Comparative Planetary Geology, and in particular Tectonics, Impact Cratering and Astrobiology.
Based on the refractive law of waves, the author presents a mathematical model describing the ejective direction of any particle in cratering.
This type of cratering can be extensive over the entire body but is usually concentrated in the area of the seam or flange which contained the entrapped oil.
Although some nuclear weapons effects (NWE) such as blast and cratering have analogs in the effects of conventional weapons, many NWE are unique to nuclear use.
虽然部分核武器效应(Nuclear weapons effects NWE)如冲击波和地面落坑与常规武器类似,但仍有许多核爆所独有的武器效应。
The experimental study demonstrates that the velocities of particles at free surface are different from those in cratering. Their quantitative relationship is given.
Cratering is one of disadvantages of lacquer film in painting dressing. In this paper various kinds of craterings, their forming reason and prevention measures are introduced.
This article relates the filming mechanics of powder coatings, discusses the influencing factors on the cratering and pinholing defects and gives measures to control the defects.
crater lake
n. 火山口形成的深湖
explosion crater