He said a tough stance is needed especially with Russia.
But wouldn't taking a tough stance have worried markets?
NIKKY: yeah, we need to take a tough stance with Worldcom.
We played with balance and a tough stance, in no way in awe of our opponents.
The commission's instinct seems to be to take a fairly tough stance on intra-bank lending, but its precise views are hazy.
The Go Green campaign wants to see higher education take a tough stance on climate change and adopt tighter environmental standards.
The SECmight well have taken a tough stance given that it is investigating trading inprivate markets and is keen to look relevant after a dire performance in the crisis.
Some analysts speculated on Sunday that Mr Venizelos had forced the 10-day suspension of talks with the troika so that Greece could appear to be taking a tough stance with its creditors.
Lyons added that the tough stance adopted to Lehman's by the US Treasury had encouraged John Thain, the chief executive of Merrill Lynch, to accept the takeover offer from Bank of America.
For all the bluster, one can't help feeling the tough EU stance is a bit of a bluff.