After he graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934, he got a chance to study in the US.
In the seventh grade, I traveled to Wuzhen, where Prince Xiao Tong from the Liang Dynasty once lived, and I was inspired to write a wuxia story based on him.
When Justin Tong was a child, other kids felt sorry for him.
Do you know the location of Tong House?
"What does this signify?" Xuande asked Pang Tong.
玄德问庞统曰:“此何兆也? ”。
Yes, we have Shenzhen Tong. You can buy it in the Customer Service Center.
Kim and Tong had pleaded guilty to the charges at their trial, Yonhap said.
Sun Quan, fearing for Ling Tong, ordered Lv Meng to bring him back to camp.
Tong li, who lives in Shanghai, is visiting Japan this week with her son and husband.
Tong Jieming——recruiting manager, who take over from Li Wenhua and report to Li Site.
童家明 ――招聘经理,向李斯特报告,李文华的接任者。
Tong Jieming — recruiting manager who take over from Li Wenhua and report to Li Site.
In the Song Dynasty, an artist called Wen Tong was especially fond of drawing bamboos.
Tong married Guan at the end of last year after a seven-year love marathon.(See photo)
He also appealed against the harshness of the penalty, which included a fine, Mr. Tong said.
Astonished, Pang Tong said, "My Taoist name is Young Phoenix. That name bodes no good."
It has been suggested that humans can maintain relationships with 150 people and Tong et al.
据说人可以与150个人保持关系,Tong et al。
Shao Tong, relationship consultant at a Beijing-based company is revealing how to read a rich face.
We just don’t have a way to tap into that without opening the skull and accessing it directly,” said Tong.
我们不只是在没有打开头盖骨直接进入的情况下利用这些信息。” 汤说道。
On Saturday in New Delhi, Singapore's Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, proposed a 'plus eight' model to include the U.S. and Russia.
上周六在新德里,新加坡国务资政吴作栋提出了一个把美国和俄罗斯加起去的“10 + 8”模式。
Britain is home to two of the world's top ten universities, according to the world ranking drawn up by Shanghai's Jiao Tong University.