If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself in writing from the infinite strain.
Such self-objectification comes at a cost.
Wired vs. Women: Too Much Objectification In Tech?
Representation is the objectification of the will.
We typically think of women as the targets of body objectification.
Even if it's not exactly objectification, isn't it still problematic?
The value of everything derives from objectification of man's power.
At least one simple XML document is checked for correct "objectification."
The men showed higher levels of partner-objectification than the women。
Objective To find a new method of the objectification of pulse diagnosis.
So beauty is the harmonious unity between rhythm and objectification of man's essential power.
Science is the art of the subjectification of the object, and the objectification of the subject itself.
From objectification, quantitative Angle discussion skin disease and pulmonary tuberculosis's relevance.
The objectification of women is the crime impossible to obliterate committed by the patriarchal society.
The product of Labour is Labour embodied and made material in an object, it is the objectification of Labour.
Therefore, the idea of objectification is the prerequisite of a truly understanding of Berdyaev's philosophy.
"The objectification of women was tied to the subordination of women," Marcus said. "There's a different dynamic involved."
His opinion of women, like every man's, is an objectification of his own emotion towards them, which is obviously one of fear.
Objectification is a core category of the discussion about the essence of beauty at present, which obviously cannot be understood narrowly.
The students were asked to fill out a survey on their romantic relationships, their media consumption and their feelings of objectification.
Zhang Feng. "an Elegy for the Objectification: on John Fowles's the Collector." Journal of PLA Foreign Language University 5 (2003) : 60-65.
张峰,“一曲女性物化的悲歌——评约翰·福尔斯的小说《收藏家》”,《解放军外国语学院学报》2003年第5期,第60 - 65页。
Berdyaev's idea of objectification is his special interpretation of the world and the ultimate explanation of the evil and misery in the world.
If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain.
The application of high biotechnology has caused people's worry about the objectification of human body and concerns for human values and dignity.
All this was done by the souls, working through glands, until the body of the ape was an objectification - three dimensional - of the soul that hovered above it.
The subjectivity of the character shows the tendency of objectification very obviously when the avantgarde novels during the 1980s' express the dehumanization narration.