He thrashes around as if fighting the bedclothes.
He carries the wheat to his barn, and there he thrashes it, or beats all the grains of corn out of the ears.
农民将麦子运到谷仓并打谷, 也就是将谷粒从麦穗中敲打出来。
thrash out
v. 研究解决
v. 棒打;鞭打;痛打;翻来覆去;连续重击;连续拍击;剧烈扭动;猛烈晃动;奋力拼搏;拼命挣扎;(thrash的第三人称单数)
He thrashes around as if fighting the bedclothes.
He carries the wheat to his barn, and there he thrashes it, or beats all the grains of corn out of the ears.
农民将麦子运到谷仓并打谷, 也就是将谷粒从麦穗中敲打出来。
thrash out
v. 研究解决