1 词典释义:
date from
时间: 2025-03-08 00:10:27
英 [deɪt frəm]
美 [deɪt frəm]

vphr. 始于;开始于;始建于;追溯至;追溯到;起源于

  • It is clear, now that nineteenth-century paint and plaster have been removed, that the nave's lower buttresses date from the twelfth century.


  • Many of the earliest known images of Hindu deities in India date from the time of the Kushan empire, fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or Gandharan grey schist.

    在印度,许多已知最早的印度教神像都可以追溯到 Kushan 帝国时期,这些神像是用马图拉的斑点砂岩或 Gandharan 的灰色片岩建造的。

  • Some of the objects in the exhibition date from the 1930s.


  • The great temples of Karnak and Luxor date from this time.


  • These are letters that date from the fourteenth century BCE.


  • Gibbs is at pains to repeat that the documents all date from 2009 and earlier.


  • The date from which trade of stocks is approved to begin in the stock exchanges;


  • The earliest arrowheads date from this time, suggesting that bows and arrows were in use.

    最早的箭可以追溯到此时,显示弓和箭已经普及。 有人认为弓箭的发明还要早些,因为有一块用作箭头的石块已有6万年的历史。

  • For example, when users registered they had to enter the expiration date from a credit card.


  • Upper Paleolithic huts from Buret, Siberia. These structures date from about 10, 000 BCE.

    旧石器时代晚期西伯利亚buret的棚屋,时间约为公元前10 000。

  • Others, such as extra-long forearms and flexible feet, date from deeper in the primate past.


  • Other features, such as extra-long forearms and flexible feet, date from deep in our primate past.


  • Carmen Elcira asked, beginning to panic that she had remembered the wrong date from the encyclopedia.


  • It is thought to date from about 700 AD and to be an example of ancient Peruvian Mochica civilisation art.


  • This program executes a dynamically prepared DB2 SQL statement to retrieve CURRENT DATE from the database.

    这个程序执行一条动态生成的 DB2 SQL 语句,从数据库中获取 CURRENT DATE。

  • Newton st Loe's oldest buildings date from the 15th century, and it has changed little in recent years.


  • Next, you need to set the effective date from which the document is visible in Portal document Manager.

    下一步,您需要设置文档开始在Portal Document Manager可见的有效日期。

  • The third is that the date the order is required can be used as the starting date from which to develop the schedule.


  • They date from the early Cretaceous period, which began around 145 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.


  • All date from colonial times, but considerable stylistic changes have been made on these buildings since they were erected.


  • Below, we clue you in to five crucial traits that separate the girls men date from the ones who make them want to set a date.


  • People clearing their houses find dog collars and want to identify them. We generally can give estimates on when they date from.


  • He said a possible solution was for one of the sporting codes in Australia to change the team entry date from January 1st to July 1st.


  • The 120 works on display date from between 1922 and 1940, when Rodchenko got his last big commission, and are arranged thematically.

    展出的一百二十幅作品是 罗申科在1922 至1940(得到最后一次委托年)拍摄的,按主题编排。

  • Many of the country's current problems, including crime and poor education and health care, either date from that period or were exacerbated by it.


  • The clock pictured above, of the same era, is mounted on Old Town City Hall wall in Prague's Old Town Square and has some parts that date from 1410.


  • The beginnings of MS-13 date from the 1980s, when more than a million Salvadoran refugees fled their war-wracked homeland for safe haven in the United States.

    MS - 13最初起源于十九世纪八十年代,当时一百多万萨尔瓦多难民从他们战乱的国家逃往美国以求避难。
