I mean I'm an emotional person.
If you press hard on the paper, you are probably a very emotional person.
"The romantic partners and roommates were virtually becoming the same emotional person over time, " said Anderson.
Katzenberg: I'm an emotional person. [This acquisition opportunity] needed to be a business decision, not an emotional decision.
Although I am emotional person, but I never thought what a movie can make me cry, but why in this sleepless night, I do not know to open the "Ip Man 2" I changed my mind.
He said this study was designed to understand how changes in long-term emotional states - meaning, whether you consider yourself a happy or sad person overall - are affected by the people you know.
Love - One of the strongest emotional feelings a person can possess.
Like sleep, dreaming may represent some sort of personal gym time for the brain, with dreams allowing a person to work out emotional issues and solidify thoughts and memories.
To detect if you have the profile of an anxious person, here are the main signs: psychological, physical, emotional and behavioral trait of personality.
Kiehl says the emotional circuit may be what stops a person from breaking into that house or killing that girl.
Early on, a person who is excluded seeks emotional contact and needs to find others who are accepting.
This helps in many situations, especially when the person feels insecure or upset. You can simply anchor a positive emotional response and fire the anchor whenever you see the person getting upset.
If the reaction of the person becomes emotional, then it is possible to make contact with them, touching them gently on the arm or shoulder.
It emphasizes the need to look at the whole person, including analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values.
Both the infant and the person with Alzheimer's must be fed, cleansed, they are highly emotional, sleep a lot, they have wrinkled skins.
The story revolves around an android who comes to the emotional realization that he is not a real person.
This often leads to unhealthy relationships, unnecessary stress, a worsened self-image, and emotional burnout. You are your own person.
Emotional: When they think about or see the person they love most lovers report “an uncontrollable smile comes over my face whenever I see her,” and “I miss him when he leaves the room.”
Do whatever it takes for the person to get into such state (you can, for example, tell a story that will lead the person to your desired emotional state).
Payne and Kensinger study what happens to memories during sleep, and they have found that a person tends to hang on to the most emotional part of a memory.
To a person, they all supported my decision. Only one mother verbalized the fears I had for the emotional well being of my little charges, but she too supported my plan.
And more important, is Adam so different than any other person struggling to find emotional intimacy?
A person who suffers from emotional dependence believes that love can only come from others.
The nonverbal expressions of a person occupy about 90% of their emotional experience!
Yet, true presence, or “being with” another person, carries with it a silent power—to bear witness to a passage, to help carry an emotional burden, or to begin a healing process.
You can't see the person speaking, so it's much harder to figure out their emotional state or opinion.