Worse, he wasn't even a Brit.
The iconic Brit actor died at 69 after a battle with cancer.
She performed at the Brit Awards last week minus her wedding ring.
Her success at the Brit Awards merely confirmed her surging popularity.
The BRIT awards are the British Phonographic Industry's annual pop music awards.
Sometimes, however, even the stoutest Brit has to admit defeat and head indoors.
The problem: he wasn't British, and producers wanted a Brit to play the young wizard.
I know he wants to be the first Brit to win a Grand Slam in... what is it... 150000 years?
She scooped up four Brit Awards on Feb 24, including the coveted Album of the Year trophy.
In 2008 they received two Brit Awards and also won the Grammy Award for best song in 2009 and 2010.
A Brit was just ahead of a German in the laboratory, but Germany had a jet flying 18 months earlier.
The caricature (which was never quite accurate) of the Irish as Europe-loving Brit-haters needs updating.
BRIT: He come home from work you sleep, and then get back to work, you know, that's no life, for any of us.
布瑞特:他每天下班回家就睡觉,睡完觉然后又去上班。 对于我们两个人而言,这样几乎没有什么夫妻生活。
The concept has now been replicated in the UK with the Brit List, and it's already proving just as powerful.
The Guardian threw its weight behind a Brit in Harry Potter, asking: “Is Rupert Grint the new Leonardo DiCaprio?”
In addition, an equivalent awards ceremony for classical music, called the classical BRIT awards, is held each May.
One month after Winehouse won Best Female Artist at the Brit Awards in February 2007, Universal released Back to Black in the U.S..
在Winehouse于2007年2月赢得全英音乐奖最佳女艺人称号一个月之后,Universal唱片公司在美国发行了《Back to Black》。
This breed of snobbish, opinionated Brit (let's abbreviate that to Sob) tends not to have visited the United States very much, if at all.