That means launching new funds.
And pass it, you may bargain on inhalation in new funds.
Both new funds were heavily comprised of retail investors.
With distributions also low, LPs were unable to sign up for new funds.
If Bankia raises the new funds, its core capital will be just over 10%.
In addition, several have recently raised large new funds from investors.
The firm would be brought back to life by an injection of new funds.
This is particularly important given that ABS invests heavily in new funds.
A host of new funds run by Chinese financial institutions have set up to look for deals.
Second, the economic data for further interpretation or inhibit new funds chasing passion.
If you can't find the trace of new funds indeed, at least you know about new-listed shares.
With new funds and coordinated efforts, many more women have been reached, even in the poorest districts.
The cost of establishing the new funds at the same time as meeting current pension obligations will be very heavy.
Many would like to raise new funds, which is easier if you can show that the previous one wasn't a complete disaster.
A simple but important start would be to distribute all of the new funds based on merit, without regard to connections.
Although some new funds have been created, HFR reckons there were just 8, 860 funds at the end of March, down from 10, 096 in 2007.
The infusion of new funds will focus on overcoming specific hurdles in each of the four countries where the disease still exists.
Wall Street lawyers say money manager clients have approached them in recent months about forming new funds aimed at providing protection.
Only three new funds were launched in the first quarter of this year, compared with ten and 21 in the same period of 2008 and 2007 respectively.
Yet some 50 new funds have been approved so far this year, more than were approved in the whole of last year. The vast majority of these are equity-focused.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mack was trying to raise more capital from an outside investor, even though the firm says it doesn't need to raise new funds until mid-2009.
In spite of the 6.5 per cent drop in the stock market yesterday, many analysts believe it could be just a temporary pause in the flow of new funds into the market.
Some of them are for companies I'm involved in, some are for entrepreneurs I've worked with in the past and some are for other VCs I've worked with who are raising new funds.
Meanwhile, a slew of managers, including Blackstone Group and Och-Ziff Capital Management, have raised new funds or reallocated money to buy mortgages and corporate loans on the cheap.
与此同时,百仕通集团(Blackstone Group Group)和Och - Ziff Capital Management等一批对冲基金运作者已经募集了新的基金,或重新配置资金,以低价收购抵押贷款或公司贷款。
A normal VC fund raises a new fund every three years if it is a strong performer but, in recent years, there have been some VC firms that have literally raised new funds inside of 18 months.