What will you take? -i'll take a pint of Heineken.
To Westerners, that's Nike, BMW, Heineken and Coca-Cola, respectively.
Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai recently hosted the Heineken 2010 GM Conference.
Heineken rose 1.5 percent to 37.35 euros and AB InBev climbed 1.7 percent to 43.79 euros.
Clever Heineken beer column advertisement from Switzerland reminds us not to drink and drive.
This means, for example, the Heineken music hall and fast food outlets may haveto change their names.
From that day on, Heineken has remained one of the most successful imported beer brands in the United States.
The campaign was successful enough that Heineken plans to use Amplify again at this year's upcoming tournament.
The brokerage also downgraded Heineken NV to “neutral” from “buy,” sending the shares down 1.4 percent to 36.46 euros.
During his tenure, Heineken developed techniques to maintain consistent beer quality during large-scale production.
Three days after Prohibition ended in the United States, the first Heineken shipment landed as the first legal shipment of beer.
Eight years ago she inherited a 25% stake in one of the world's greatest brewers, Heineken NV, from her late father, Freddy Heineken.
While obliging as legibly as possible over the coasters' green "Heineken" logos, I silently asked myself, "should I be signing THESE?
It's website says: "Heineken has been able to remain one of the world's leading consumer and corporate brands for more than 130 years."
The founder's son, Henry Pierre Heineken, managed the company from 1917 to 1940, and continued involvement with the company until 1951.
Established in 1864 by the Heineken family, the HEINEKEN Company has a long and proud history and heritage in brewing and in our communities.
Brewers Heineken NV and Anheuser-Busch InBev NV were rated "buy" in new coverage at Citigroup, as it announced new coverage on the European beverage industry.
花旗集团把喜力啤酒集团和安海斯布希公司(Anheuser - Busch)股票评级定为买入,纳入评估范围,同时公布了欧洲饮料加工业的股票评级。
For big manufacturers such as Toyota, IBM, Heineken and Peugeot, CFAO provides access to markets which are too small or risky to justify a local operation.
You can also sample different types of Heineken, learn about the brewing process, and, for a small extra fee, make your own personalized bottle of Heineken.
Our main customers are Molson, Heineken, Corona and Coors. Competitive prices, professional services and honest attitude make us stand out among other competitors.
Shares of Dutch brewing giant Heineken (NL:HEIA 36.61, -1.42, -3.72%) fell 3.7% in Amsterdam after the company’s third-quarter trading update disappointed investors.
SABMiller has been talked of as a potential buyer for Molson Coors, Australia’s Fosters, Efes, Turkey’s largest brewer—though it might find itself in competition with Heineken.
SABMiller has been talked of as a potential buyer for Molson Coors, Australia's Fosters, Efes, Turkey's largest brewer-though it might find itself in competition with Heineken.
SABMiller公司一直谈到作为像Molson Coors,澳大利亚的福斯特,土耳其最大的啤酒生产埃费斯这样的潜在买家商,尽管它可能会发现自己在与喜力的竞争。