Jocelyn: Oh, I love sapphire.
You're too perfect for me, "Jocelyn said."
Jocelyn will tell you that the boy was lazy.
Jocelyn is watching the players playing football.
Jocelyn and I made dinner, drank wine, nuzzled on the couch.
The lecture ends with Jocelyn Bell and the discovery of pulsars.
Jocelyn: What? I've never heard of that. You never told me before.
I mean, this isn't about Sarah. And it isn't about Jocelyn, is it?
Kane Middleton with his mother, Jocelyn, and his redundancy letter Photo: masons.
凯恩·米德尔顿(Kane Middleton)、他的母亲乔斯林(Jocelyn)和他的裁员信。
Jocelyn: Oh, I love sapphire. It even goes with the blouse I'm wearing today.
Jocelyn: Did I? You must be joking! I love these rides… (feels like vomiting…)
Jocelyn: Of course, but before that, you have to go to the Haunted House with me.
"Sometimes I wonder if I've left any mark on you at all," Jocelyn said, and began to cry.
It's not turkey or pumpkin pie for Jocelyn Fong, but something that combines American tradition with her father's Chinese heritage.
乔斯林•冯钟情的感恩节食物不是火鸡也不是南瓜派,而是一些结合 美国传统和来自她父亲的 中国习俗的东西。
His mother Jocelyn Middleton, 57, a clerk in an electronics company, said: ''The language in the letter is not the sort of language a child would understand.
他的母亲乔斯林•米德尔顿,57岁,是一家电子公司的业务员。 她说:“这封信所用的语言不是那种孩子会理解的语言”。
In addition, her techniques for building three-dimensional tissue structures could ultimately be used to help engineer replacement organs. — Jocelyn rice.
Since their discovery in 1967 by Jocelyn Bell and Anthony Hewish in Cambridge, UK, radio pulsars are one of the most exciting fields of astronomical research.
自从1967年由英国剑桥大学的Jocelyn Bell和Anthony Hewish发现了射电脉冲星后,射电脉冲星已经成为天文学中最激动人心的研究领域之一。
Along with the hire of Papakipos, Facebook also announced today that it has hired Jocelyn Goldfein, a former VP and GM of virtualization giant VMware's desktop business unit.
除Papakipos外,Facebook今天还宣布聘请VMware桌面业务单元前副总裁兼总经理Jocelyn Goldfein。
Also on display for the first time is a section of the radio telescope which radio astronomer Jocelyn Bell used to discover pulsars - small, fast-rotating stars - in the 1960s.
展览还首次展出了20世纪六十年代射电天文学家Jocelyn Bell发现高速运转的小恒星-脉冲星时所使用的射电望远镜。