Well down, you have given me a bully suggestion.
Yao and Scola played well down the stretch besides the missed FTs.
和 斯科拉最后阶段打的很不错,除了罚球不进。
They didn't give up and they played well down the stretch with the bench.
Daunt added that Waterstone's e-reader project was well down the planning line.
Some kids have parents with deep pockets. Other kids are well down the road to financial trouble.
The fact is we are already well down the path leading to genetic manipulation of the depressing sort.
The residential house with well down finishing is the developmental direction of housing industry in China.
The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords.
褐斑从他脸的两侧一直蔓延下去,他的双手常用绳索拉大鱼,留下了刻得很深的伤疤。 但是这些伤疤中没有一块是新的。