The fracture of piston rod of new hydrogen compression pump is studied by metallography and electron probe in this paper.
The application of concentration system with multi - effect thermal compression pump could reduce the consumption of the steam and lower the production cost.
Straight line motor twin-tub compression pump of the present invention is compression pump with novel double-stator straight line motor and twin cylinder structure.
本发明所述的直线电机双缸压缩泵,是在压缩泵内设置了新型的 双定子直线电机和与之相配的双汽缸结构。
One effective for asthma in 5-micron particles below normal compression pump atomizer atomized particles 5 microns or less in the percentage content of more than 50%.
As the Roots pump is a non-vacuum inside the compression, the compression ratio is usually very low, so high, medium and vacuum pumps need to pump before.
In short, because of water ring pump gas compression is isothermal, and it can be pumped in addition to flammable and explosive gases.
The pump features a variable discharge port design which adjusts automatically to the internal compression ratio of the vacuum pump resulting in maximum efficiency throughout the vacuum range.
A two-stage compression variable frequency air source heat pump (TV-ASHP) has been developed combining variable frequency technology with two-stage compression cycle.
The shape of the suction chamber decides the inlet velocity distribution of the compression grade in the multiphase pump, and affects the performance of the multiphase pump to a degree.
But there are some shortage of ordinary single-stage heat pump in low-temperature environment, such as high compression ratio, devoid heating power and low efficiency.
Vapor compression heat pump is a new concept of thermal control system and refrigerator for future space use.
The design of thermal -compression - pump in multi -effect evaporator was discussed.
The utility model belongs to the technical field of a water source heat pump, a ground source heat pump and a vapor compression type cooling water machine set.
With comprehensive analysis, two-stage compression cycle is applied to air-source heat pump to adapt to the low-temperature environment.
Biogas engine-driven heat pump (BHP) not only has the same functions of compression heat pump, but also can utilize the waste heat recovery from biogas engine.
In short, the water ring vacuum pump in the gas compression is isothermal, and it can be pumped in addition to flammable and explosive gases.
International level large flow rate high pressure piston pump design, professional dynamic axial compression column design.
It is found that not only the chirped pump pulse but also the chirped soliton pulse have great effects on the soliton pulse compression in anomalous dispersion regime. Fo...
So if you've got to pump that tire really a lot, then you're going to you're going to really feel a lot of heat there. The compression of the basically it's an adiabatic compression.
Tried to find out a design mentality development compression fracture pump with high power and high performance, for the following...