I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone.
《牛津词典》Can you repeat what I've just said word for word?
《牛津词典》You simple start with one word or phrase, repeat it and add the second word or phrase, then another repeat with the third word and so on.
If I run out of things to say or write, I will simply repeat the last word to keep the momentum going.
Will you promise me not to repeat a single word of what I am about to tell you?
Each time the Boss hears the trigger word, he 'll repeat the phrase.
I'll repeat our conversation, word for word, Isabella; and you point out any charm it could have had for you. '.
Listen carefully to every word you hear, then repeat them out loud.
The researchers believe if the volunteers had been asked to repeat the word, they would have also developed a permanent neural connection to the part of the brain responsible for speech.
Yang can repeat the tenets on his pre-job training brochure word for word: "Careful, patient, considerate, enthusiastic".
Then they got him to repeat the words to the computer and it was able to match the brain signals for each word 76 per cent to 90 per cent of the time.
A: Look, all you do is repeat this word several times, then you'll remember it.
Repeat the word "wealth" to yourself slowly and quietly for about five minutes prior to sleep and your subconscious will bring wealth to pass in your experience.
Repeat the word back to the speaker to make sure you can say it correctly.
Market Metrix research has demonstrated that beyond the additional revenue that repeat customers provide, their word-of-mouth communications translate into significant profits for the hotel.
Market Metrix的研究表明回头客除了给酒店带来额外收入外,用户间的相互交流也能转化为酒店重要的盈利。
The interests of the word, can assert that a new round of various "country" and will appear, new interests wars and more complicated forms with higher repeat.
Will you repeat the last word?
If they have a hard time, they will repeat the same word: airplane.
The method is: print the word, repeat print 10 times, with a magnification of 40 times to see, if coincidence, equipment qualified.
Keyword stuffing in the Title Tag is looked at as search engine spam (not good). But it might be smart to repeat the same word in different ways.
Please repeat what I said word for word.
I had to repeat the word before he got it.
After you learn a word or phrase, always tell, tell, tell! Repeat that word or phrase in a sentence at least 20 times as soon as possible.
Take deep breaths, and repeat a word or phrase in your mind as you envision the place.
Repeat the words in useful sentences as many times as possible. That is the only way to "own" a word and make it yours forever! Repetition is the mother of learning!
Repeat the word pairs in Listening Activity 2.
Repeat the word pairs in Listening Activity 3.