Family heirlooms may be another good gift option.
No one wants to see Japan's industrial heirlooms vanish.
Swords were also buried with their warrior owners or passed down as family heirlooms.
They desire to create heirlooms through the photographs for generations of storytelling.
Other heirlooms rising in popularity at markets include bi-colored tomatoes and different colors of cherry tomatoes.
It's accessorized with vintage heirlooms like an old Super 8 camera from my grandfather and a crystal ice bucket that was my grandmother's.
上面装饰的是我们的祖传财产,我祖父的Super 8相机和我祖母的水晶冰桶。
Gifts have been coming in, such as “It” bags from the big fashion houses or treasures from individuals seeking a home for family heirlooms.
Friends have also revealed that Kate plans to wear diamond-and- pearl earrings on the day, although it is not known if they are new or family heirlooms.
These items are used for quests and appear variously as significant objects like family heirlooms, to which certain characters may hold special attachment.
Some Gu Qins are heirlooms of a family, some of them collections of the royal court. They are no longer ordinary musical instruments but priceless art crafts.
各种各样传世的古琴有的是家族的祖传珍宝, 有的则是皇宫的藏品, 它们已经不再是普通的乐器, 而成为珍贵的工艺品。
Mingott, who had built her house later, had bodily castout the massive furniture of her prime, and mingledwith the Mingott heirlooms the frivolous upholstery ofthe Second Empire.
No one wants to see Japan's industrial heirlooms vanish. But too many businesses are surviving because credit costs nothing, and bankers care little whether their borrowers are profitable or not.