Andy trudges down the corridor with Norton's laundry, the pie box under his arm.
as he trudges down the straight and easy road to the county town of Malong in Yunnan.
The way of life is "Wasteland", but "my" soul is not inhospitable. It always trudges gamely in hardship.
As Little Wolf trudges home from school one day, he decides to postpone his boring dinner by Shouting "Boy!"
Wearing clothes of mourning, the woman trudges along the road, accompanied by relatives and neighbors, as she weeps for her dead son.
Her heroic figures conduct nobly, scorn material benefits and hold fast to the spiritual loftiness, so they are lone trudges in the vanity fair.
When equity bubbles burst investors who made money in the boom typically swallow their losses and the world trudges on for example after the bursting of the tech bubble in 2001.