But Mr Van Rompuy faces several conundrums.
Marine conservation: the conundrums of the deep dark sea.
The theory, if valid, would address important conundrums facing particle physicists.
Like physicists, philosophers play with such conundrums by engaging in thought experiments.
More innovative approaches are required to tackle social conundrums and to clear paths for progress.
I see conundrums, dilemmas, quandaries, impasses gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out.
The analysis of semantic strategies adopted in conundrums will be a great help for better comprehension of English humors.
But here are a few conundrums: How can newspapers afford high-brow journalism when advertisers shift more and more spending to digital media?
If you don't find an answer to your question here, check out Microsoft's own help site for Windows, which addresses a multitude of Windows 7 conundrums.
如果您没有在此找到答案,可以到微软的Windows帮助网站上,它解决了大量的Windows 7难题。
The Rossoneri are desperate for a striker but Braida insists is that Mutu is not the answer they are looking for to solve their striking conundrums.
Transgenic technology not only makes our living standard elevated but also provides a solution to a series of previously thorny or even unsolvable conundrums.
Seam requires very little setup to begin plugging the gaps in JSF — and for that small effort, it resolves some of the most troubling conundrums of JSF development.
Seam只需很少的设置就可以开始用于JSF——而正是这一点小小的付出,就能解决J SF开发中的一些最麻烦的难题。
And then there are the familiar conundrums: the rule is no jaywalking, but only by jaywalking will I have a chance of saving the dog that is about to be hit by a car.
Today I'll talk about the problems of the slow learners, discuss with you and unveil an approach to those conundrums around those who are incilned to such persons.
Here's where we see an opening for a new approach to modeless interactivity. Toolbars are modeless, but they don't introduce the conundrums that modeless dialogs do.
They persuaded hundreds of people to answer conundrums such as: would you rather earn $80,000 a year and sleep 7.5 hours a night, or $140,000 a year with six hours’ sleep a night?
We pondered, as so many did then and since, on the vastness of the Universe asking the age-old questions, the “who”, “when” and “why” of that most puzzling of cosmic conundrums[5].
Ms Showalter does not attempt to unravel the intractable moral and legal conundrums raised by this unsettling parable, but she USES it as a metaphor to ask questions about literary judgment.
Besides, adding a series of keyword fields leads you into one of the most fundamental and universal conundrums of data processing: If you give users 10 fields, someone is bound to want 11.