In her current role she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》This proposition, which we term the increasing-disadvantage model, is a core element of the popular glass ceiling metaphor.
Despite continued widespread public acceptance of the glass ceiling idea and some consistent findings, most research to date has failed to support the increasing-disadvantage model.
Watch as they discuss the glass ceiling.
A dingy roof was erected, hiding a domed glass ceiling.
The third part puts aside "the glass ceiling" policy choice.
第三部分移开“玻璃天花板” 的政策选择。
The positive is that Mrs Clinton would break America's highest glass ceiling.
"If you don't believe there is a glass ceiling, there is no need," she told me.
He found that "companies that smash the glass ceiling also enjoy higher profits."
The glass ceiling in Japan is known as the bamboo ceiling, and is even harder to break.
Or they are confronted with a glass ceiling that keeps them from the most senior positions.
Many women still work under a glass ceiling, unable to earn as much as their male colleagues.
Many women still work under a glass ceiling, unable to earn as much as their male colleagues.
At work, I do not believe in the glass ceiling for women, and do not see myself as weaker than men.
Which reduce career acceleration and thus the amount of force available to crack the glass ceiling.
And that most likely means there is a lot more work to be done to make that glass ceiling disappear.
Its presence, combined with an adjacent glass ceiling, helps to evoke the original space's sense of height.
The glass ceiling is even more marked in universities, where only 11% of professors and 36% of lecturers are women.
Those barriers include the glass ceiling and the maternal wall, which tends to mommy track people with family duties.
Whether you are raising daughters or feel like you are crashing into a glass ceiling, you will find her words empowering.
A "glass ceiling" means a barrier, usually affecting women and minorities, to how far someone can grow in their profession.
The Bank of America survey found that 54 percent of women small business owners did not feel affected by the glass ceiling.
After ten years of working for a prestigious Wall Street bank and slamming into a glass ceiling, I vehemently said "Enough!"
The intellectual women in enterprises in China face a "glass ceiling" phenomenon for a long time when they want to promotion.
She got a job at a local bank. She hit the glass ceiling, and watched men she once trained promoted up the ladder ahead of her.