Write an email to tell them about the site, and give them some tips for the tour.
Write an email to Jack, an international student, to invite him to participate, and tell him the details.
Write an email to answer the inquiry from an international student volunteer, specifying the details of the project.
How do I write an email offline?
《牛津词典》Write an email or a note to a friend who you care about.
给你在乎的朋友写封电子邮件或便条。 。
Can you write an Email to me and tell me about your country?
Or, write an email to someone you've been out of touch with for a while.
Whenever I need to write an email or make notes I can just switch back.
Please write an email briefly discussing the questions mentioned above.
So, next time you write an email, here are some rules of thumb to keep in mind.
You can write an email while out of coverage and send it when you're online again.
Simply write an email, attach as many files as you need, and click send-courier will take care of the rest.
Write him/her an email to make some suggestions.
Write him an email to suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and tell him about your arrangements.
Liaise; an email add-on that analyzes the free-text contents of your emails as you write them.
As for me … this piece took an additional hour to write because I couldn’t resist checking my email, as well as following up my tweets on Twitter and reading my Facebook and LinkedIn mail.
You can't play Tetris, write a document, serve Web pages, or send an email with the Linux kernel itself -- and what use is a computer if you can't do those things?
你不能用它玩俄罗斯方块、写文档、开通网页服务,或者发送邮件 -- 如果你不能做这些事情,它怎么能称之为计算机呢?
The issue came to light when Irish broadcaster RTE was handed an email from a hotel executive to a number of colleagues asking them write positive reviews about the property.
As a result, many people who don't write regularly can freeze up, lost for words, on something so simple as an email to a friend.
In order to test our Team Room notification function without accessing the external network or having an email validation system in place, we can write mock test methods.
为了测试Team Room的通知功能,而不必访问外部网络,也不使用电子邮件检验系统,我们可以编写mock测试方法。
"Every customer service email becomes an opportunity to write a new FAQ entry," Kaplan writes.
I expect that he will send me an email rather than write to me.
As well, never write anything in an email that you wouldn't want to be read publicly.
More generally, the right side can be any kind of sequence (string, list or tuple). For example, to split an email address into a user name and a domain, you could write.
If you don't know it, write him an email pretending to be a customer and look at his return headers.
If you write to someone, which do you prefer, a letter or an email?
Even though I get an enormous amount of email, please don't forget to write.