It's difficult to raise a family on a meager income.
During their six- to twelve-week voyage, they subsisted on meager rations.
Members of poor peasant families spun or wove cloth and linens at home for scant remuneration in an attempt to supplement meager family income.
By comparison, the terrestrial planets have meager atmospheres at best.
A3: Because of long voyages and meager rations.
A 3:因为长期航行和有限的干粮。
His meager wage is not enough to support their five children.
During their six - to 12-week voyages they lived on meager rations.
Do I ask you to come into my workplace and supplement my meager income?
Other elderly people resort to petty theft to increase their meager purchasing power.
At that time, I was not happy with my meager vocation or the person I had become.
Actors would gather outside what was left of the building to pick up their meager salaries.
The months wore on, but the production of the new gold factory was disappointingly meager.
And if someone said, it's 4%, you'd say, well that's kind of meager, I want a better dividend than that.
Stocks of developed countries like the U.S. can appear meager in comparison to those in emerging markets.
The Nissan KA24E engine, while durable, was a heavy, iron-block unit that produced meager power for its size.
尼桑ka24 E铸铁发动机虽然耐用,但是与其产生的动力相比略显笨重。
US Agency for International Development funding increased from a meager $9.3 million in 2008 to $24 million in 2009.
He was very good to me, gave me some research work to supplement my meager income, and invited me to his house for dinner.
It is because these products are cheap, and given people's meager salaries these ersatz goods are often their only option.
It had meager fresh water supplies, however, so Darwin and his botanist friend, Joseph Hooker, set out to change things.
这个岛上的淡水资源非常稀缺,然而也正因为稀缺,所以达尔文与他的植物学家朋友约瑟夫·胡克(Joseph Hooker)便着手改变这一状况。
Yet, despite the meager payoffs of their college degrees, many graduates think the solution is more school, and more debt.
Indeed, Reagan ushered in an era in which a small minority grew vastly rich, while working families saw only meager gains.
Residents turn to the hawkers for quick meals and cheap goods, and the vendors rely on the meager earnings to scratch out a living.
She has never seen adoctor and, like many residents of this area, lives in a meager bartereconomy, seldom coming into contact with cash.
The average of the 51 forecasts was fourth-quarter growth at a meager 0.7% rate, so slow that it will push the unemployment rate higher.
About now, new CEO Gorman is probably learning that the meager profits of a retail brokerage can't pay for all those monster Wall Street bonuses.
Senator Barack Obama has put out such meager information that voters have to take it largely on his campaign's say-so that he is in good health.
meager profit