Side note: Short lines of text set in the margins.
On a side note, messy loose braids are super "in" right now too.
One other side note, to this day, I've never told my parents that I got fired.
Side note Short lines of text set in the margins. Synonymous with Marginal note.
As a side note, the emulator runs on VirtualBox, a virtualization product from Oracle.
On a side note, in mathematical terms, RAID 1 is an AND function, whereas RAID 0 is an OR.
As a side note, if the Lakers do deal Odom, they should ship off Kwame Brown too, because...
On a side note, if you want full desktop sync on OS X, you are going to have to pay another $79.99.
As a side note, this illustrates that XML is not only a syntax, but it is also a standard data model.
Side note: if you don't live alone, your housemates or family members might not appreciate all the yelling.
As a side note, observe that we use a backslash to extend the xtics command over more than one line of input.
A side note about delivering news, bad and good: When bad news comes, get it all out in the open at once.
As a side note, you can see now that a task engine is not really a sub-component of a business process engine.
On a side note, nearing the end at 3.55 he sounded a bit like Jay there. Just a bit (not that it's good or bad).
Just a side note: Yes, be certain the store has a bench jeweler, the one who actually does the work, in the store.
Side Note: No ball is needed during practice; just make sure the alignment device is always 90 degrees while putting.
As a side note, RANDOM. ORG has a nice page on RNG with another example of "patterns" created by the PHP rand function.
Just a side note, there is also a bitwise operator you can use if you want to trace everything except a certain component.
On a side note I do question the air quality and why the rivers were sooo brown and dirty in that area based on the video.
As a side note, REM sleep is also needed for proper learning and memory function, so you definitely want to get enough of it.
On a side note, if I'm not responding, that's simply because I'm going on vacation for the next week and will be completely offline.
A side note: I do tend to get a lot of mail violently attacking me, then asserting that nobody at all is listening to what I say.
As a side note, tied arrays happen to be the most complex tied variable type, and the least often implemented on CPAN by my count.
顺便说一下,绑定的数组正好是最复杂的绑定变量类型,而且根据我的统计在 CPAN 上也实现得最少。
As a side note, there are a few options available to access JMS even if your preferred vendor does not provide client.
On a side note, I would like to thank users for something that is making me very happy this year: Activity around this season period.
As a side note, it is also possible to create multiple extension points even though the code listing below shows just the creation of one.
On a side note: the migrations in Listing 2 unfortunately don't use foreign keys due to an unfortunate limitation in Rails' migration framework.