The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice.
Handholds are struck with the heel of the hand; footholds are kicked for testing.
Look, beyond us are the stars, and if I reach with my PAWS I can use the stars as footholds.
There was more climbing ahead for us, but this time we would use footholds instead of ramps .
They have tiny doors and four-paned Windows high above the surface, with precarious carved footholds.
Footholds should be designed so that a paddler's feet cannot be forced through them, causing entrapment.
He clambered up by grasping the vines that circled about the tree, using the nodes of the trunk for his footholds.
Another common mistake is to lose pressure on the footholds at the moment when you move your hand, especially when the footholds are poor.
The way to do this is by stepping over the 'centre line' and using footholds on the left with the outside edge of your right foot (or vice versa).
Eating for Skylab's three-member teams was a fairly normal operation: footholds allowed them to situate themselves around the table and "sit" to eat.
With comparative objects and comparative samples as its footholds, functional comparative law focuses on any law's functions and practical efficiency.
Dumbledore beckoned Harry to the very edge of the rock where a series of jagged niches made footholds leading down to boulders that lay half-submerged in water and closer to the cliff.