The final photo shows the man half-crouching – acutely aware he is in an exposed position – apparently talking on a mobile phone.
Spitbank Fort is not exactly a homely place, with its thick concrete walls, bulbous shape and exposed position a mile out to sea off the Hampshire coast.
The moment you position yourself, you become exposed, and if you fail in that you are in trouble.
Thousands of tiny hairs in the cochlea bend when exposed to the original sound vibrations. But those hairs can get stuck in a bent position.
One of Britain's most windswept schools has taken advantage of its position on an exposed Cornish headland to reduce its electricity bills by up to 90 per cent.
In my opinion, Camus' position concerning the lie, has rarely been dealt with. However, it is denounced and exposed in all his work.
Internal audit within the organization is very advantageous position, in such positions can fully exposed to the internal management system in all aspects, and plays a key role.
Suppose you were exposed in the opposite position by your opponent.
Temperature read on a thermometer which is exposed to the air in a position sheltered from direct solar radiation.
Suppose you were exposed in the opposite position by your opponent.
Unless you have an underlying currency position that the forward contract is hedging you will be exposed to the movement in the price of the market.
When the tool is in the open position during descent, a large flow area is exposed and maximizes flow through the tool to decrease cycle time and increase well production.
CF men's taste is implied but exposed temperament, and also a personality charm and a symbol of position. It is the most fundamental, essential, incorporeal and humanistic part for men.
It requires that a test specimen be installed in a horizontal (ceiling) position and then be exposed to a gas burner flame.
It requires that a test specimen be installed in a horizontal (ceiling) position and then be exposed to a gas burner flame.