The director of photography is in charge of directing all the camera operators.
On his first film, One and Eight, he served as the main cameraman and director of photography.
He became the first director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and created the famous "Family of Man" exhibition in 1955.
After his studies at National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, he continued his career as director of Photography, Editor and Cinematographer.
And, despite the scepticism of my linear director of photography, we also have my diary made up of hundreds of entries of less than 140 characters each.
It's great for hair, make-up, and wardrobe, because they can see the exact colors, or for the director of photography, because he can see the exact lighting.
The makers consulted with a live-action director of photography, Roger Deakins, to learn how Deakins would light and shoot a scene if it were a live-action movie.
Cheng Yuyang, born 1958 in Fushun County, Sichuan Province, started his professional photography career in 1990. Now, he is the director of photography at Beijing Morning Post.
Director of photography Andrew Lesnie caught most of his shots during the intense battle on the Pelennor Fields by putting on polo armor and wading into the thick of the action.
摄像导演Andrew Lesnie在拍摄佩兰诺激烈的战争场景时,他把摄像机用马球铠甲盖住放在战场中。
The director of photography, Robert Richardson, has an extraordinary knack of allowing physical structures to brood over us, in their solid mass, and yet to hover as ungraspably as a dream.
During the shooting it's more like execution: I talk with the actors lot, and Wing will do a lot with the director of photography, lighting, art direction, costumes, makeup, camera movement.
Pete Souza is Chief Official White House Photographer and Director of the White House Photography office.
A good photography, is the director's eyes, help him find good things, is also a director of the wings, to help him reach his dream.