1 词典释义:
the budget surplus
时间: 2025-03-19 01:24:52
英 [ðə ˈbʌdʒɪt ˈsəːpləs]
美 [ði ˈbədʒət ˈsərpləs]


  • The budget surplus is running at 2% of GDP; ten years ago the deficit was close to 3.4%.


  • But the budget surplus should at least reduce the need for drastic cut backs, Mr Brecher says.


  • The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America's retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess.


  • The funds will come from the budget surplus, which has been amassed largely on the back of a mining boom that has seen vast quantities of Australian minerals exported to China and India.

    这些资金将来自预算盈余,这些盈余主要是靠采矿业的繁荣积累起来的。 澳大利亚把大量矿物出口到中国和印度。

  • Japan, unlike other big economies, is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.


  • PLUNGING unemployment, rocketing growth, soaring exports and a budget surplus: that is the story of Estonia as it bounces back from a precipitous economic collapse.


  • The budget, which was in surplus little more than a decade ago, now has a deficit of Greek-style proportions.


  • Sweden, like the other Nordic countries, is likely to run a sizeable budget surplus in 2008.


  • The budget is heading into surplus next year.


  • The first is a numerical policy rule, such as a target for the debt ratio or, as in Chile, a pledge to run a budget surplus of 1% of GDP over the business cycle.


  • But it preserves the rest of the Bush tax cuts - cuts that were originally sold as a way to dispose of a large budget surplus.


  • The budget posted a surplus in 2008 but this was partly due to a one-off boost from sales of mobile-phone licences.


  • Yet she also insists that her pre-flood pledge to bring the federal budget into surplus by 2012-13 still stands.

    她同时强调,洪水前的保证,在2012 - 2013年之前,将给该州充盈的联邦预算依然不变。

  • Housing repossessions are still very rare; the state budget is still in surplus even as California and New York teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.


  • But the euro crisis has exposed the weakness of public finances in a country that has not run a budget surplus since 1974.


  • High oil revenues have brought double-digit budget surpluses to the Gulf oil producers and pushed Russia's surplus over 6% of GDP.


  • They note that Iraq has a budget surplus as a result of the rising price of its oil exports, while the United States is grappling with budget deficits and other economic problems.


  • The primary budget balance (ie, excluding interest payments) was in surplus in the run-up to membership but has been in deficit since 2003.


  • The latest European Commission report on Greece makes a point of arguing that Belgium ran a primary budget surplus (ie, before interest) almost as large as the one now required of Greece.


  • Such people, land-rich but cash-poor, may now submit their credits to the state treasury for a full cash refund whenever the state budget is in surplus.


  • At that point, claim the EU's and IMF's economists, Greece will have returned to growth and reached a primary budget surplus (ie, it will raise more revenue than it spends, before interest).


  • Ten years ago, we had a big budget surplus with projected surpluses far into the future.


  • Over the past decade, China's budget deficit was very low, and in 2007 it ran a budget surplus.


  • The United States had a record federal budget surplus.


  • Ten years ago, the federal budget was in surplus.

