New interface and keyboard shortc. uts sim. plify use for vi. sually impaired users.
Chinwhenown, very close to UTS, is quite convenient in the fhaudio-videoe always prove to beeniliar environment.
The ultimate tensile strength(UTS) both in transverse and longitudinal of pipe body showed the trend for rising.
母材纵向的屈服强度及其屈强比均有上升趋势; 钢管母材横向和纵向抗拉强度都呈上升趋势。
What if the UTS doesn't process the TCBs before another upcall happens? Do we run the risk of overflowing the TCB chain?
如果在新的回调发生时,UTS不能处理TCB怎么办,要运行这个存在溢出危险的TC B链吗。
It is feasible to forecast the casting UTS by measuring DAS, but the effect of hole ratio on UTS should not be neglected.
The structure homogenization as well as UTS and elongation is related to tempering temperature time, interlayer agent etc.
The same is the manager, as Huaihailu Road UTS tourism flagship store manager Zheng Jiayan to his new role also has feelings.
Working in UTS is introduced by my aunt, just no to waste the time of finding a job, and I didn't sighed to be a formal employee.
Reduction of UTS of about 20-30% with respect to base material occurred with rupture in the softened zone of welding, usually HAZ.
与母材相比,焊接后的试样抗拉强度减小了大约20 ~ 30%,试样在软化区发生断裂,该区域通常是热影响区。
UTS blood pressure offers flexible filter capabilities for analyzing you blood pressure and pulse readings from various points of view.
Solutions to this problem require additional system calls in which the UTS explicitly asks the kernel to preempt KSEs. This is expensive.
We declared that the above information given by us is true and correct. We agree to abide by the General terms and conditions provided by UTS.
Compared with the steel without adding trace elements, non breach impact toughness, UTS and elongation were increased by 192 %, 16 % and 65 % respectively, but hardness was not obviously changed.
与未加微量元素的试验钢相比,在硬度基本相同的情况下,无缺口冲击韧性和强度分别提高192 %和16 %,伸长率提高6 5 %。